Ties and slurs

They have been implemented in a way which may look rather ugly, but we think it is the only way of implementing in one pass ties and slurs which run across glue.

Slurs and ties must be initiated within the pair normalshapemediumseries\ notes...normalshapemediumseries\notes before the spacing note is coded. They must be terminated also before the last note is coded.

normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\itenu np

(ten stands for the Italian word tenuto) initiates an upper tie (convex) at pitch p. Just like beams, ties have a reference number n, from 0 to 6 (or 9 if normalshapemediumseriesmusicadd is included). normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\itenl np initiates a lower tie (concave).

The tie of reference number n is terminated by normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\tten n.

Slurs are initiated with normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\ilegu np and normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\ilegl np, where leg stands for the Italian word legato, and they are terminated with normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\tleg n. Except that slurs start before the note position and stop after, ties and slurs work the same way with the same syntax. They also share the same registers so that slurs nesting tied notes should have numbers n distinct from each other.
